Regulations of the Warsaw Branch


 (this translation is informative, only the original Polish wording of the regulations is valid)

I.General Provisions


The Warsaw Branch of the Polish Physical Society (PPS), hereinafter referred to as the Branch, was established on the basis of a resolution of the PPS Main Board of 1920.


The area of operation of the Branch is defined in the resolution of the Main Board of PPS, which is attached to these regulations.


The seat of the Branch's authorities is in Warsaw.


The Branch has the right to use a seal according to the template approved by the PPS Main Board.


The activities of the Branch are conducted in accordance with the PPS Statute and these Regulations.

II. Branch bodies


The bodies of the Branch are:

  1. Meeting of Branch Members, 
  2. Branch Board, 
  3. Branch Audit Committee.


The term of office of the Branch Board and the Branch Audit Committee is two years. The elected members of the Management Board and the Audit Committee take up their functions on January 1 of the year starting their term of office.

§ 8

  1. The Management Board and the Audit Committee of the Branch have the right to supplement the composition, in the event of resignation during the term of office of their member, in the number of no more than 2/5 of the elected members.
  2. Resolutions of the Branch bodies are adopted by an absolute majority of votes with the participation of at least half of those entitled to vote, however, in order to pass resolutions by the Meeting of Branch Members, at least 1/5 of the persons entitled to vote must participate in the first term, and at least 1/10 of those entitled to vote in the second term.

III. Meeting of the Branch Members

§ 9

  1. Meeting of Branch Members in particular:
    1. determines the directions of substantive and financial activity of the Branch, 
    2. examines and accepts reports on the activities of the Branch Board and the Branch Audit Committee, 
    3. elects the Branch Board and Audit Committee, 
    4. elects delegates to the Meeting of PPS Delegates.
  2. At the request of the Branch Board, elections may be conducted in electronic form in accordance with the rules of such elections adopted by the Main Board of PPS. Elections in this form may be held outside the date of the Branch Members Meeting.
  3. The Ordinary Meeting of Branch Members is held at least once a year.
  4. The Extraordinary Meeting of Branch Members is convened by the Branch Board on its own initiative, at the request of the Branch Audit Committee or a request supported by 1/5 of the Branch members. The meeting is held no later than within 3 weeks from the date of submitting the request and discusses the matters for which it was convened.
  5. The meetings specified in points 3 and 4 may be held remotely on a publicly available videoconferencing platform. If secret voting is planned during the remote meeting, the possibility of electronic voting must be ensured in a way that prevents the identification of the voter and the participation of unauthorized persons in the vote.
  6. The Branch Management Board shall notify the Branch members of the date, place and agenda of the Branch Members Meeting not later than 7 days before the date of the meeting. In the case of a remote meeting, the notification must contain links and login details to the videoconferencing platform.

IV. Branch Board

§ 10

  1. The Branch Management Board represents the Branch outside and acts on its behalf in its area, guided by the provisions of the PPS Statute and resolutions of PPS bodies.
  2. The Board of the Branch appoints a correspondent of the Branch, responsible for contact with the media and the Editorial Office of Postępy Fizyki.


  1. The Branch Board may consist of 5-9 members. The exact number is determined by the outgoing Board in an election resolution.
  2. The Branch Board consists of persons performing the functions of the Branch President, Secretary, Treasurer and members of the Board.




The Secretary of the Branch maintains the correspondence of the Branch, cooperates with the Chairman of the Branch in preparing the agenda and sends invitations to meetings of the Branch Board and Meetings of the Branch Members. Moreover, he prepares the minutes of the meetings of the Branch Board and Meetings of the Branch Members, cooperates with the Branch Chairman in preparing reports and memorials for other entities, and is responsible for the documentation and archives of the Branch Board.


The Treasurer of the Branch, in consultation with the PPS Main Board and the PPS Treasurer, supervises the financial policy of the Branch in accordance with the PPS Statute, prepares periodic financial statements of the Branch for the Meeting of Branch Members and the Audit Committee and the Main Board of PPS.


  • 1. For each meeting of the Branch Board, members of the Board, members of the Audit Committee and guests should receive an invitation from the Secretary of the Branch, together with the expected agenda, at least 7 days before the date of the meeting. A meeting convened without this period is valid with the consent of all members of the Branch Management Board, expressed in writing or by e-mail and attached to the meeting minutes, and with the presence of a representative of the Branch Audit Committee.
  • 1a. The meeting of the Branch Board may be held remotely or in a hybrid form (with remote participation of some members), provided that within 2 days from the date of receipt of the invitation, none of the members objects to such a form of the meeting. In the case of a remote or hybrid meeting, the invitation must contain a link to the videoconferencing platform available to all members of the Branch Board and login details for the meeting.
  • 2. The absence of a member of the Management Board at the meeting does not entail any consequences, provided that it has been reported and justified to the Secretary or the President of the Branch. Justification in writing and/or e-mail is acceptable. Each justification must be attached to the minutes of the meeting.
  • 3. Two consecutive unexcused absences shall be deemed resignation from membership in the Branch Management Board. The resulting vacancy may be filled in accordance with par. 8 sec. 1.
  • 4. Information about a vacancy in the Branch Management Board is published on the Branch website.


Meetings of the Branch Board are chaired by the Branch Chairman and, in his absence, by the Secretary. Decisions of the Branch Board are made collegially by a simple majority of votes. All members of the Board have a casting vote in voting on motions and in adopting resolutions. Other participants of the meetings of the Board have an advisory vote.


The Branch Board may entrust its members with permanent and temporary duties, in particular managing the works of the Branch commissions or participating in their works. If a member of the Board is entrusted with the function of a member of the Audit Committee (in the event of a vacancy in the last year of the term of office), he must simultaneously resign from membership in the Branch Board.

V. Branch Audit Committee


The Audit Committee of the Branch controls the entire activity of the Branch, with particular emphasis on financial activity.


  1. The Audit Committee of the Branch may consist of 3-5 members. The exact number is determined by the outgoing Branch Board in an election resolution.
  2. The Audit Committee of the Branch selects a chairman from among its members, who manages its work. 

VI. Elections 


  1. The Branch Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer as well as other members of the Branch Board are elected in four independent votes by the Meeting of Branch Members.   
  2. All members of the Branch have the right to vote.   
  3. Submitting candidates is public. Candidates must agree to be nominated.   
  4. The elections are secret. To be elected in the first round, it is necessary to obtain at least half of the validly cast votes. If two (or more) people chosen in the last place receive the same number of votes, a tie-break is held between them.   
  5. If fewer members of the Branch Board are elected than specified in the election resolution, a second round of elections is held for the vacancies, by removing the person who received the lowest number of votes from the list of candidates. In the second round, a simple (relative) majority of votes is required to be elected.  
  6. If, after the second round of elections, there are no names left on the list of candidates, and not all the seats of the members of the Branch Board have been filled, the candidates are resubmitted and re-elected for the vacancies.   
  7. The provisions of § 20 sec. 2-6 shall also apply to the election of members of the Branch Audit Committee and Branch delegates to the Meeting of PPS Delegates.   

VII. Final Provisions   

§ 21   

  1. Changes in the Regulations may be made by the Main Board of PPS on its own initiative or at the request of the Branch Bodies.  
  2. The Regulations come into force after being adopted by the Main Board of PPS.