Information for authors

We accept for publication accessible written reviews and monographic articles, in Polish or English, which will receive positive publishing reviews.

The journal Postępy Fizyki is included in the list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences of the Ministry of Education and Science of Poland with the number of 20 points assigned.

Texts should be sent by e-mail to: in the form adopted in the journal in LATEX (source file + pdf) or in Word; the text should contain the affiliation and ORCID number of the author, abstract and keywords in Polish and English, bibliography only as attachments, captions to the illustrations; illustrations can be included in the text, but they should also be sent in separate files in jpg format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi; in the case of an illustration borrowed from another publication, the caption must include the source of the illustration, and the author is obliged to obtain permission for its publication in a given article in Postępy Fizyki.

The editors reserve the right to shorten and edit texts, including the introduction of necessary terminological changes. In accordance with the applicable copyright law, the author will be able to make the author's correction of the article prepared for printing. Publishing an article in POSTĘPY FIZYKI means making it available free of charge on the PPS website under a Creative Commons license.



author's book

[1] Kowalski J., Wstęp do badań, wyd. 2, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa 1999.

[2] Wróblewski A. K., Zakrzewski J. A., Wstęp do fizyki, t. 2, cz. 2, wyd. 1, PWN, Warszawa 1991.

author's book (with scientific editor)

[3] Benardete S., Encounters & Reflections. Conversations with Seth Benardete, red. R. Burger, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 2002.

collective publication (with a scientific editor)

[4] Ancients and Moderns: Essays on the Tradition of Political Philosophy in Honor of Leo Strauss, red. J. Cropsey, Basic Books, New York 1964.

translation to Polish language

[5] Bloom A., Umysł zamknięty. O tym, jak amerykańskie szkolnictwo wyższe zawiodło demokracje i zubożyło dusze dzisiejszych studentów, tłum. T. Bieroń, Wydawnictwo „Zysk i S-ka”, Poznań 1997.

an article (chapter, section, etc.) in a book

[6] Davidson P., „Keynes and Money”, w: Keynes, Money and Monetarism, red. R. Hill, Macmillan, London 1989, s. xx–xx.

article in a magazine

[7] Dannhauser W. J., „Na powrót stać się naiwnym”, tłum. P. Marczewski, Przegląd Polityczny 84, 138 (2007).

[8] Mielnik B., „Kropla ciemności” Postępy Fizyki 72 (3) 15 (2022).

publication on the Internet

[9] Butterworth Ch., Leo Strauss in His Own Write: A Scholar First and Foremost, dostęp:

Applicable abbreviations:

page s., number nr, issue z., volume t., part cz., editor red., translator tłum., edition wyd. etc. (create abbreviations from Polish names).